Managing Your Business


How you do this is frankly none of our business and we certainly aren’t about to offer any advice on this but once you’ve decided what you want to do we may be able to help. Most people take a very deep breath at the prospect of changing their computer systems even if they know they must. We’ve all heard the horror stories of companies that have bought shiny new business systems, at great cost, and either suffered severe disruption or failed to make them work properly. Customers and suppliers are rarely sympathetic when your employees blame the new system. Our strength lies in working with you to ensure that doesn’t happen by firstly ensuring the software is appropriate to your needs and subsequently working together to get what you need out of it. We offer a variety of modules and standalone products to suit your requirements and budget.


Sales Processing. Everything from quotation to credit note! Save time and money by emailing rather than printing and posting documents.


Stock Control. Multi-Location including serial and batch tracking. Use barcodes to simplify selection and ensure accuracy.


Purchase Processing. Rather like sales only backwards. Easy to use – makes spending money simple!


Integrated Accounts. Comprehensive Multi-Currency Cashbook, Sales, Purchase and General Ledgers. Alternatively integration with your existing accounts software.


Fixed Assets. Track the value of your business empire.


Manufacturing.  Compliment the above with a Master Production Schedule and Material Requirements Planning. (Apologies for the jargon)


Labelling Solutions. From simple product labels to those for use in hostile environments.



To discuss these or any specific requirements you may have contact us by telephone, fax or email for further information or to arrange a meeting.